

Many women feel insecure about the appearance and the function of their genital areas. An abnormal appearance of labia minora can cause insecurity and low self-esteem. Enlarged or misshapen labia minoras tend to produce irritation, discomfort, avoidance of sexual activity and difficulty exercising.

You may have been born with sagging and/or lax vaginal skin or had damage to your labias due to previous labour, forceps injury, inadequately repaired episiotomy, female “circumcision”, or simply the effects of aging. Weight loss or gain and menopause may also have taken their toll and resulted in an “unpleasant look and lack of function” of the female genital areas. Labiaplasty (Labia Minora Reduction Surgery, Labiaplasty) can boost your confidence and eliminate discomfort due to an enlarged labia minora.

The Procedure

Labiaplasty or labial reduction involves a plastic surgery technique to reduce the large or uneven labia minora to a smaller, more comfortable, and more appealing size and shape. The aim of labia minora reduction surgery is to preserve most of the natural contour and sensitivity of the labia minora, with minimal scarring.

Labia Minora (inner vaginal lips) Reduction: Many women do not like the physical appearance of a large labia minora as it can be embarrassing to themselves or their sexual partner. Large labia may result from trauma, childbirth, advancing age, or some women are just born with large labia. Large labia minora can also cause problems with sporting activities and exercise. Labia minora reduction or labiaplasty can greatly improve a woman's quality of life.

You are a candidate for labiaplasty if you feel you have:

  • Protruding or asymmetrical labia minora
  • Thickened labia minora
  • Labia or vaginal lips that you would like reshaped

Your individual needs and labiaplasty surgery expectations will be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Toupin.

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